Rainbow Street Wedding in Iceland

This is what happens when you let a bunch of people from NYC come make a wedding in Iceland, bring their art & fashion scene with them and do what they want. And give them Pink Iceland to make it happen. Laura & Stu have this special beautiful quantum weirdness in them, you’ll see.


↓ Soundtrack for your ears to accompany this unorthodox Iceland wedding, warmly recommended, though your head will be spinning.

They chose a little fishermen village called Seyðisfjörður in the far East for their wedding and we’re sure this old town hasn’t seen a party like this in a long long time.





Iceland and no landscape portraits this time. Sorry not sorry.

Shoutout to Haffi



Again, give it up for Haffi! 🙌🏼😂


This mate. Doesn’t he look familiar to you? He did to me. We talked and I figured of course I know his work. It was nice to meet you in person, Daniel Arnold.

The End

Who made it happen



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