Our Wedding III

Intimate wedding ritual in SOLO HOUSE

     For some time we were trying to figure out the right way to do our wedding. Having been to so many beautiful places to photograph someone else’s wedding, all these places felt like they’re already theirs. Then Covid came and we knew we won’t be able to do anything large and so the first day travel restrictions were lifted we were on a plane to Spain to the SOLO HOUSE that we’ve dreamt of visiting for so long.

     It’s not a wedding venue though and we actually loved that. Having held our official wedding in Prague, we came here to have some time just for us, bring a few friends that we love spending time with and at some point have a small ritual to celebrate our love, nothing official, rather have a while to pause with all our projects for a few days and just be, together.

     Us two, Martin’s brother Jakub, Lenka with her son Eddie and our friends and photographers Nora & Viktor. No officiant or wedding photographer, no decorations or schedule. Nora baked a cake though, so delicious.

     We are so grateful that Viktor & Nora of Visual Narrative helped us document this time with their beautiful photos, some of which you’ll see below, and Lenka Kerlicka to helping us remember it with gold that we’ll wear for the rest of our lives. Oh and Martin’s brother Jakub has a pretty good eye too, some of the shots are his and we should team up someday!

     It was the day of our ritual, early morning and Martin woke up for the sunrise. Being him, he took a camera with him and started a little series about…me being the bride. At the end of this page you can check out the whole slidedshow.

     When I woke up, we started the morning with a swimming pool. After that we realized that we love the feeling when you’ve had some good lunch and you sit for a chill with coffee. That’s how we want our ceremony to feel. So we changed plans, prepared lunch first and then ritual.

Dolce far niente.

     Lenka prepared a ritual for which each of us went for a little walk around the house to have to space to be alone for a while and present in the moment, look around, feel the air and bring back anything that catches our eyes and out of all these things we made together a mandala. It contained flowers, stones, a petanque ball and some other things.

     Before the ceremony I asked Martin if he’d prepared some things to say, a vow or something, and he smiled that maybe he brought a little something. Ok, now I really didn’t feel no pressure to say something great too haha.

Five minutes to the ceremony and Suzie trying to come up with a vow.

     It turned out that he didn’t write anything in particular, but back home he’d made several hand-made prints in the darkroom from film of some of our favorite moments from our live together, and we sat at our ceremony, went through these photos and talked about each other and about all these moments of our lives and why we love each other. We smiled and we cried and I remember Eddie asking his mom Lenka why we all have tears on our faces.

Eddie asking his mom Lenka why we all have tears on our faces and Nora helping us remember this moment with a camera as we’re talking about our life together over photos.

     I had great help with designing my wedding dress in my friend Iva of Odivi who led me through the whole process, and I only wanted to wear one ring, the one with citrine stone, so Lenka Kerlicka surprised me with these incredible earrings.

     Jakub knew we’d always wanted to experience a cake battle, he didn’t want to destroy these delicious cakes that Nora made, so he and Lenka went to buy several whipped cream sprays and at the end of the wedding night, when noone expected anything, they broke out a huge whipped cream fight and we all suddenly felt like we’re of Eddie’s age.

     Some people thought we’re crazy when said we’re bringing a canvas and paints with us, but painting “a feeling of Solo House” was a perfect thing to do here and now it’s brought this vibe to our home in Prague.

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Official, family wedding in Prague

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