Chic Wedding
Infused With Slovak Tradition

— Eliska & Milos

This story brought us to beautiful Slovakian summer countryside. When we talked with Eliska & Milos about their wedding as they were planning it, the challenge for them was how to make it both artful and modern, yet traditional Slovak, as it was important for them to make the best experience for them and their friends as well as their families.

They managed to find an amazing way to do that thanks to their sense for esthetics, being an architect and an art gallery owner, and following their cultural heritage, including traditions like a midnight performance/dance in folk costumes and choosing a 400 years old venue Kastiel Kubinyi.

You could feel the joy of the gang being together in this beaufitul summer day, after a year of lockdowns and uncertainties, they were having a ball. Finally, all their people together at one place.

This series won Europe’s Best Wedding Story award.


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here ↓




The End


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